
商学院(Curtin Business School):

会计学院(School of Accounting)

经济与金融学院(School of Economics and Finance)

信息系统学院(School of Information Systems)

管理学院(School of Management)

市场营销学院(School of Marketing)

法学院(Curtin Law School)

商学研究生院(Graduate School of Business)

创业中心(The Centre for Entrepreneurship)

健康科学学院(Faculty of Health Sciences):

生物医学学院(School of Biomedical Sciences)

医学教育系(Department of Medical Education)

护理与助产学院(School of Nursing and Midwifery)

职业疗法与社会工作学院(School of Occupational Therapy and Social Work)

药学院(School of Pharmacy)

物理疗法与运动科学学院(School of Physiotherapy and Exercise Science)

心理与语言病理学院(School of Psychology and Speech Pathology)

公共卫生学院(School of Public Health)

人文学院(Faculty of Humanities):

建筑环境学院(School of Built Environment)

艺术设计学院(School of Design and Art)

媒体、文化与创意艺术学院(School of Media, Culture and Creative Arts)

教育学院(School of Education)

科学与工程学院(Faculty of Science and Engineering):

理学院(School of Science)

化学与石油工程学院(School of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering)

土木与机械工程学院(School of Civil and Mechanical Engineering)

电气工程与计算学院(School of Electrical Engineering and Computing)

西澳矿业学院(Western Australian School of Mines (WASM))